Hi Bods,
This is my first post. It has been an roller coaster of a ride since I came up with the idea of #bods Saturday past. It was an incredible idea. An idea I was happy to share with some of my close friends. It felt like the early days of my band 'The Saudi Royal Family' - that feeling that together we were going to change the world.
However, in the last day or so I have been mysteriously side-lined from the #bods project and have been accused of lacking commitment to #bods. I feel a little bit like the rowing twins from the social network film!
I intend to show commitment from now on.
I will rant quite a bit in this blog and I apologise in advance for this...Actually I will put my rants in italics so you can avoid those bits. I would avoid those bits. It has been years since I last wrote my thoughts out, so I won't be very good at making them read entertaining.
I am 5'8.5" tall (I was measured at the Royal Society so its 100% accurate). I weigh 10.8 stone. I am swift and resourceful and Michael Faraday is a new hero of mine. To my mind, it feels like it could only be a good thing if every British state-school child was taught about Michael Faraday and what he did with his life.
I have had a quiet 2 days exercise-wise (it was my birthday yesterday) but for posterity here is a log of what I have been up to:
Exercise: 60 press ups. 50 crunches. 1 minute of planking.
Food: No Meat. Lots of carbohydrates.
RANT: Anybody who says people should reduce their carbohydrate intake is both a charlatan and a helmet. If they weren't a helmet they would be instructing people to reduce their meat intake instead (in my mind anybody who tells any adult to do anything - even if at the start they mean well - is either a charlatan or a helmet or some or every other part of a prick including the balls and the sack). I was taught this year (by the lecturers at my college and my biology textbooks that also explained the evidence) that the fact is that people need just 50 - 60 grams of meat per day:
Meat is needed because of the 20 amino acids that there are, our bodies can't synthesis 8 of them (the 'essential amino acids'). So we must get them from our diet. Animal protein is the best protein. In contrast, carbohydrates are polymers (multiples) of glucose and glucose is what your body runs on. If you don't believe me and you can be bothered to - watch some videos from khan academy or other online educators about cellular respiration.
So don't be a twat with your life and don't listen to all this unnecessary hysteria in the media about sugar. If the media was truly playing the role of our time-saving friend and was there to inform us and help us out and benefit our lives and aid and push things forwards, it would distinguish between 'sucrose' and 'sugar' and then give us the evidence why we should avoid sucrose. Then we would use our highly-developed reasoning skills to decide whether or not we want to avoid sucrose. The media only behaves like this because, like Kurt V said, these are still the dark ages and we just can't seem to find our way out of these dark ages.
Exercise today:
50 press ups.
20 minutes lying in the 'constructive rest' position advocated by the Alexander Technique. I found it is a good aid for good posture and is also relaxing for my mind.
Food: A birthday dinner of beef stew. It was properly delicious.
That is all for now. Tomorrow I am playing squash and going to a bootcamp gym class and things are similar on Thursday.